Stress or anxiety? Bad or good?
We are designed to have a stress response. It’s physical, and you’ll be familiar with the symptoms – racing heart, faster breathing, shaking arms, legs, feet, churning tummy, dilated pupils. At a healthy level and for a healthy period of time, stress helps us to live full and rewarding lives It evolved in the time of our ancient ancestors, to get us primed and pumped and ready to escape from danger, race after prey, or boost our strength when we needed to fight off predators It works just the same now, as it did then, and that’s where the problems start.
Stress is triggered when the primitive part of our minds, the limbic system, thinks we are in danger, even today
Back in the ancient times, the stress response was needed for only a short time – you fought the predator and won, or you were dinner. You ran away from the predator and escaped, or you were dinner. And as soon as the threat was over, you would shake yourself, tell the story to others, maybe even have a laugh, and your body would fill up with calm, feel-good chemicals once more
But now, the primitive mind sees threat everywhere, always, because of the way the modern world operates. We are constantly bombarded with images of death and destruction, famine and war – and the poor primitive mind isn’t all that smart.
It doesn’t know the difference between what’s far away and what’s right here. Between imagination and reality. And so our stress response is made to fire up all the time – at work, in relationships, in traffic, in Lidl, everywhere
It gets so that it feels normal to be primed and pumped, even though its not, to feel constantly busy, tense, overwhelmed, overworked, even though it’s not. And stress chemicals are addictive. We get used to them, and feel weird and unsettled when levels drop – when we try to relax, to chill, to spend quiet time meditating, looking at the sky, whatever. We just can’t do these lovely things any more! They’re too uncomfortable.
Chronic stress, that’s stress over a sustained period of time without relief- can develop into anxiety – a long term activation of the stress response that actually changes how our brains work so that we become obsessed with risk, danger and worries.
Over time the chemicals released by this anxiety into our bodies cause insomnia, IBS, phobias, avoidance behaviours, panic attacks, OCD, GAD, social anxiety, exhaustion and fatigue and all the rest.
These conditions are all based where the problem started – deep down in the subconscious mind. So that’s where we need to begin, to turn it all around
Solution focused Hypnotherapy does just that – understands the root of the problem, and works with clients to dig out the old, troublesome roots that are choking their creativity, energy and joy. Helps clients to plant wonderful, colourful and exciting new gardens of the mind moving forwards into a brighter future instead of backwards into a difficult past.
And it’s deliciously easy too.
Whoever told you positive change was difficult and required willpower – was WRONG
I can help you re-wire your brain, using the wonderful neuroscience of neuroplasticity to advise our work together and ensure positive, effective and long-lasting change.
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