Trauma… big T or little t…

Trauma is a constant rumble, deep inside
We feel a horrible underground rumbling of danger even when no threat is nearby- when we KNOW we should feel safe, happy, settled and secure. We feel anxious, sick to our stomachs, sleepless and wrecked at the same time.
We think we are cracking up. And it’s exhausting, looking out for danger all the time
As you probably already know….trauma can be Big T or little t…
🤔Too much too soon- catastrophic event or illness, bereavement, loss…
🤔Too little for too long…not enough love or connection from parents or caregivers or partners or anyone.
Not enough rest or self-care or time for reflection… not enough of whatever our heart hankers after.
Trauma is not an event – it is an EXPERIENCE. What is trauma to one person may not be for another, but that doesn’t make it less traumatic. And if we don’t deal with it, the trauma experience gets trapped in our bodies, affecting us at an unconscious level. It causes us to feel anxiety, depression, hopelessness, despair– it even causes us to get sick.
We numb or soothe this horrible, unsettling rumbling with compulsive behaviours we don’t seem able to control – alcohol or tobacco use, excessive exercise or eating, workaholism, scrolling, cleaning and cleaning our lovely clean homes late into the night, oh, lots of ways.
We find lots of ways to numb the feeling, to paint over the cracks, to make it seem that everything is OK. We push the feelings deep deep down. But underneath it all, of course, the rumble is always there. It always comes back, louder.
It feels like we are being hunted all the time, but there is nothing hunting us at all.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy was first developed to help people working through PTSD.
Now, it is an effective therapeutic model for many issues with their roots in trauma, because it works in both the conscious and unconscious mind.
After all, if you could simply talk and think your way out of this discomfort, you would have done so long ago, right?
SO we have to go deeper than the conscious mind, to help you feel better. SFH trains you to access your unconscious mind and change things for yourself. Nobody does anything TO you, and you are fully conscious and involved throughout. It’s actually Big Fun, and very relaxing ☺️
Here’s an excellent short video explaining things a bit more, for those of you who recognise yourselves in this short passage and want to find out more about how I can help.

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