Relaxation sessions

Deep Relaxation Sessions at Rosie’s Space

Give the gift of relaxation to someone you love…and that can be yourself! 

Single sessions, 60 minutes long, in the comfortable and welcoming rooms of Rosie’s Space. 

Nothing to do but lie back and relax, while Rosie helps you to:

  • Recover from the stress and pressure of the festive season
  • Start the New Year with a deep-down-cleanse.
  • Re-Boot your brain
  • Feel Better. Lots Better.
  • Learn life-long skills to promote ease and well-being.
  • Give your mind a massage.
  • Give your body a delicious break from bracing.
  • Gain an overall sense of well-being and calm
  • Take a break from over-thinking
  • Take home a Rosie’s Space Deep Relaxation Recording, yours to use whenever you need.

Deep Relaxation for long-term health

Deep relaxation allows the primitive brain to cool it. To let go of the controls.

And the best part, you don’t have to do anything. Not a thing, except relax.

You stay fully conscious, you are always in control, but your mind gets a delicious massage,and softens, loosens and relaxes.

Deep Relaxation will turn down the dial in the short term, so that you can release those bracing muscles, and go deep into relaxation as you relax back into a soft, extremely comfortable recliner in Rosie’s Space.

Rosie uses special music and language patterns, speaking gently and quietly to the subconscious mind. There’s nothing at all for you to do, except to relax.

She loosens the knots the mind has tied itself up into, and prompts the wise, quiet and creative part of our brain to take over for a while.

It’s a delicious state of deep relaxation where unconscious and conscious parts of the mind and body can more easily communicate, promoting happiness, creative problem-solving and clarity of focus.

The body remembers what it’s like to be without bracing, without tensing up against fear and anxiety, and begins to re-programme your responses to stress.

You take away simple tools to promote relaxation and a sense of calm aliveness, and a copy of Rosie’s wonderful Relaxation Recording that is yours to keep.

Give yourself or someone you love the gift of Deep Relaxation with Rosie’s Space.

They’ll thank you for it. You know you will. To order a gift card or find out more just get in touch, below: