Deep Relaxation

Deep Relaxation Sessions at Rosie’s Space

Give the gift of relaxation to someone you love…and that can be yourself!

Single sessions, 60 minutes long, in the comfortable and welcoming rooms of Rosie’s Space. 

  • Re-Boot your brain
  • Feel Better. Lots Better.
  • Learn life-long skills to promote ease and well-being.
  • Give your mind a massage.
  • Give your body a delicious break from bracing.
  • Gain an overall sense of well-being and calm
  • Take a break from over-thinking
  • Take home a Rosie’s Space Deep Relaxation Recording, yours to use whenever you need.
  • Gift Cards Available

What’s it all about? 

Did you know that we operate on autopilot around 95% of the time?

You thought you were in charge, didn’t you?

You thought you made intelligent, measured decisions from your intellectual brain, all day long, didn’t you?

Sadly, that’s not the case.

The brain, like the body, is an energy-saving organism and makes as much as possible automatic – even our thinking. So when we are young, it starts to lay down patterns of behaviour and patterns of thinking that become automatic, even years and years later, when it is no longer a good idea to burst out crying when you drop your ice-cream on the sand. We adjust these patterns, slightly of course, when we become conscious that they are no longer appropriate as they are, but only enough to function in the world. As a result the old deep-down patterns persist and colour almost everything we think, feel and do, without us even realising it.

So we go around in various states of trance, or automatic behaviour and thought, for 95% of our lives.

Why we feel stress…

Wouldn’t it be nice if those automatic trance-states where we spend most of our days were happy, positive places?

Sadly, this is also not the case.

Most of our trance-states in the modern world are run by the old-fashioned, primitive part of our mind that thinks anything different is life-threatening, and which wants us to stay in bed, in the dark, all day, and never go out.

This old-fashioned Primitive Brain was designed to protect our cavemen ancestors from sabre-toothed tigers or dire-wolves back in the day. This primitive brain hasn’t evolved or changed much since those times, and now sees big cats and dangerous wolves everywhere in the modern world – from messages on social media without accompanying emojis, to someone cutting in front of us in a queue at Tesco’s.

This Primitive Brain isn’t very bright.

It’s got the smarts of a 4-year-old, in fact. 

It’s obsessed with our survival, and never relaxes, never sleeps when it’s in charge, looking for danger everywhere. And it can’t tell the difference between reality and fiction, between what we imagine and what’s real. So, the more we worry about the future, or think about bad events in the past, the more inflamed and fearful it gets, because it thinks these things are actually happening in real time, and gets all wound up and defensive. It takes over all brain operations, kicking us out of the lovely, conscious, creative and happy part of our brains. Making us fearful, tense and unhappy.

And there’s more…

The primitive brain can’t be happy.

It’s negative – it will always see things from the worst possible perspective.

It’s obsessive – once it thinks something is a danger to us it will not stop thinking about it, even when we are trying to sleep.

It’s conformist – it really doesn’t like us doing things that other people aren’t doing. It really doesn’t like new ideas, or change of any sort. It really resists it when we try to change our habits, or our lifestyles, or our jobs, or anything…these changes give it the heebie-jeebies.

And the more we use it, the stronger a hold it gets on us.

So, most of our waking time is spent automatically presuming things are just about to go wrong, and to go wrong badly.

It’s as if we are constantly on the losing side of a dodge-ball team, bracing ourselves to be pelted by 6 heavy dodgeballs from the other side.

But the game goes on, and on, as the primitive brain detects threats on the news, in our conversations, in our very own thoughts and relationships. We brace against these threats, which never pass, because they can’t. Because they aren’t even real.

We brace so often and for so long that it almost starts to feel normal. We forget we’re bracing, and wonder why we are so tired all the time. We think this is how we are meant to feel.

But it’s not.

OFFICIAL – Bracing is bad for your health!

When we brace, we tighten muscles. We restrict blood-flow. We put strain on the body’s wonderfully balanced systems.

When we brace for a long time, this is CHRONIC STRESS.

When we brace for a long time, it causes physical pain, imbalances in our blood pressure, digestive systems, immune systems, sleep patterns, the works, you name it. If we stay in this bracing pattern for too long, scientists now believe we get sick.

Autoimmune diseases, cancers and neurological deterioration are now connected strongly to chronic stress.


Give yourself the Gift of Relaxation with a one-off Deep Relaxation Session 

Deep Relaxation for long-term health

Deep relaxation allows the primitive brain to cool it. To let go of the controls.

And the best part, you don’t have to do anything. Not a thing, except relax.

You stay fully conscious, you are always in control, but your mind gets a delicious massage,and softens, loosens and relaxes.

Deep Relaxation will turn down the dial in the short term, so that you can release those bracing muscles, and go deep into relaxation as you relax back into a soft, extremely comfortable recliner in Rosie’s Space.

Rosie uses special music and language patterns, speaking gently and quietly to the subconscious mind. There’s nothing at all for you to do, except to relax.

She loosens the knots the primitive mind has tied itself up into, and prompts the wise, quiet and creative part of the mind to take over for a while.

It’s a delicious state of deep relaxation where unconscious and conscious parts of the mind and body can more easily communicate, without censorship from that fearful primitive part of the mind, promoting happiness, creative problem-solving and clarity of focus.

The body remembers what it’s like to be without bracing, and begins to re-programme old and outdated responses, re-learning well-being.

You take away simple tools to promote relaxation and a sense of calm aliveness, and a copy of Rosie’s wonderful Relaxation Recording that is yours to keep.

Give yourself or someone you love the gift of Deep Relaxation with Rosie’s Space.

They’ll thank you for it. You know you will.

Like to find out more? Just get in touch below: