Google Reviews
It was easy to contact Rosie and schedule an appointment for an online hypnotherapy session. In the session Rosie immediately put me at my ease with a general chat and explained what would happen in our session. She got to business quickly and explained the scientific basis of hypnotherapy, covering some misunderstandings people have. Some of this was known to me from experience with other therapies such as information about the fight or flight response and how certain parts of the brain are activated under stressful circumstances and different ones in calm, positive situations. Next Rosie led me in a conversation asking me to identify some experiences in my life that I had found positive and enjoyable in the recent past. She probed in detail what had been enjoyable about the examples I gave. For example, she asked me to focus in on a happy memory of a walk where I had picked and eaten blackberries. She asked me to identify more detail about that experience focusing on my different senses and, in a way, conjure up the feeling of the experience again in my mind. Then Rosie invited me to make myself comfortable and lie down, turning my laptop screen away for privacy. She then talked me through a relaxation process, allowing the body to settle. I'll be honest and say I don't remember much of what she said because I was so relaxed! Later she mentioned some of the specific words I had used about my happy memories. The relaxation lasted about 20 minutes and afterwards I felt relaxed, refreshed and completely at ease. The overall outcome was very calming, soothing and positive. I found Rosie’s approach enjoyable because we focused only on experiences that were positive and that we were able to use as examples of feeling good. I had recently broken a wrist and in the week of my session had also hurt a foot and wasn't able to get out, so I'd been feeling very frustrated. Rosie’s session allowed the frustration to melt away and I emerged feeling more positive and more at ease within myself. Rosie is very professional, friendly and discreet and, either for general relaxation and wellbeing or for a more specific inquiry about an issue that you're having, I would highly recommend her hypnotherapy sessions.
Read moreAdeline Henry
5 months ago
Maria Mccrink
8 months ago
I’m so glad I was introduced to Rosie by my sister in law. Rosie is simply incredible and makes the process so simple, easy to understand and so enjoyable. Rosie explains why she’s doing every step so you feel in control! Everybody can benefit from these sessions! Thank you Rosie you’ve no idea how much you help
Read moreNiall Magee
8 months ago